Category: Notícias

Assinatura do convênio com Secretaria de Estado de Esportes e Lazer (Sesport) e a prefeitura para a construção de um ginásio poliesportivo na comunidade rural de Sumidouro

Muqui viveu uma manhã de festa nesta sexta-feira (20). Em solenidade na Câmara Municipal, foi assinado o convênio da Secretaria de Estado de Esportes e Lazer (Sesport) com a prefeitura para a construção de um ginásio poliesportivo na comunidade rural de Sumidouro. Além do anúncio da obra, o governador Paulo Hartung – que faz aniversário neste sábado (21) – foi homenageado pela data, com direito a “parabéns” e bolo, que foi dividido com todos os demais presentes.

O vice-governador César Colnago e o secretário de Estado de Esportes e Lazer, Marcelo Coelho, também marcaram presença, além de diversas autoridades estaduais e regionais.

O investimento para a construção do ginásio será de R$ 1.006.892,52. O espaço contará com quadra, arquibancada, sanitários PNE, vestiários, palco, cozinha, cantina, pátio e oito vagas para carros.

“Quero agradecer a todos de Muqui pela maneira carinhosa que fui recebido. Além desta homenagem ao meu aniversário – em que faço 61 anos, com cara de 30 (risos), mas com um gás danado –, estamos fazendo como o produtor rural: plantando e cuidando para depois colher. O Espírito Santo segue dando um passo do tamanho das próprias pernas. Por isso, somos exemplos para todo o país. E já que vocês me fizeram uma surpresa, quero anunciar que daqui uns 15 dias vocês vão me ver de novo por aqui, porque acabamos de receber um parecer favorável da procuradoria para retomar as obras do Caminhos do Campo em Muqui”, anunciou o governador Paulo Hartung.

O secretário Marcelo Coelho comentou sobre a importância da prática esportiva, que será fomentada na região por meio da obra.  “Estamos vivendo um momento em que há muito o que se comemorar no Espirito Santo. O Governo do Estado – que cuida não só das contas, mas também das pessoas – enxerga no esporte uma ferramenta de inclusão social e de incentivo a qualidade de vida e, por isso, está investindo fortemente nesta área. Fico muito feliz que a população de Sumidouro será contemplada com esse espaço”. ceasr discursandoThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. convenioThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. hinoThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. rodrigo coelhoThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. solenidade muquiThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

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DECRETO 09 de 05 de março de 2018. O Município de Muqui convoca a todos contribuintes relacionados para se regularizar junto ao setor tributário do Município sob pena de cancelamento das inscrições.

Regularize a sua situação cadastral junto ao Município de Muqui, evite prejuízo e ajuizamento de acoes, maiores informações no DECRETO 09 de 05 de março de 2018.

O Município de Muqui convoca a todos contribuintes relacionados para se regularizar junto ao setor tributário do Município sob pena de cancelamento das inscrições por falta de confirmação  localização dos endereços cadastrado.

clique no linque abaixo e verifique a relação completa dos contribuites.

decreto 09

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IMG-20180211-WA0020The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180211-WA0027The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180211-WA0028The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180211-WA0030The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180211-WA0032The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0028The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0029The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

Assista o vídeo da apresentação do Boi Chapado carnaval 2018.






MUQUI é pura alegria!!






The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180210_204011 IMG_20180210_222318 IMG_20180211_230919The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180211_231023The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180212_195400The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180212_195513The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180212_195629The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180212_195647The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180212_224553The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_20180213_233227The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180211-WA0036The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180212-WA0030The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0026The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0030The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0032The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0035The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG-20180214-WA0044The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 27545346_923884304451806_427174325189830327_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 27750121_923884181118485_1249160242204997111_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 27750181_923884184451818_1015197222746313839_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 27750384_923884261118477_752569603178727974_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 27972899_923884307785139_1684882967874439657_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. 28058673_923884314451805_1949355176589780861_nThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

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O Município de Muqui torna público a Contratação Emergencial de Entidade Sem Fins Lucrativos, qualificada como Organização Social, na gestão e prestação de serviços da SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE

publicação diario oficialThe alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.O Município de Muqui torna público a Contratação Emergencial de Entidade Sem Fins Lucrativos, qualificada como Organização Social, na gestão e prestação de serviços da SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE

Saude termo de referencia

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A Comunidade da Babilônia vai receber telefonia fixa publica.

A Comunidade da Babilônia, zona rural de Muqui, vai receber telefonia fixa publica, o prefeito municipal Renato Prúcoli autorizou  a empresa Telemar Norte Leste S/A a instalação do aparelho. IMG_20180201_194331[1]The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name..


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O Município de Muqui, através da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e Turismo realizará o Festival Muquiense do Boi Pintadinho, no Sítio Histórico de Muqui – ES, de 10 a 13 de Fevereiro de 2018


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Regulamento Bois


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